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Best website collection for Academics

 Best website collection for Academics

    📚 forcoder - Ebooks & Elearning for Programming.

    📚 it-ebooks - Large selection of free and open source IT ebooks.

    📚 Z-Library - Programmig and educational eBooks.

    1. Mirror

    2. Tor Mirror

    📚 epdf - Write a book, elevate your profile, build a business - Upload ideas and beginner tips to get you started.

    📚 PDF/Ebook trackers for college textbooks - Old but still useful list of ebook/textbook trackers, DDL sites, and IRC communities.

    📚 Academic Torrents - A Community-Maintained Distributed Repository for researchers, by researchers.

    📚 BookSC - The world's largest scientific articles store. 50,000,000+ articles for free.

    📚 GRE Prep - Material for school, college and graduate students. Paid and free trial.

    📚 Sci-Hub - Sci-hub btw. automatically uploads articles to libgen - and provides public access to tens of millions of research papers.

    📚 LibGen - Search engine for articles and books on various topics, which allows free access to content that is otherwise paywalled or not digitized elsewhere.

    📚 Slader - Find textbooks with answers.

     ramen for dinner? Let me show you have to "rent" your textbooks for free & for life!".


    📚 scribd-downloader - Tools to download documents from scribd.

    📚 - Scribd, Issuu, Slideshare & Academia downloader.

    📚 describe - Search and download from scribd.

    📚 dezoomify-rs - Zoomable image downloader for Google Arts & Culture, Zoomify, IIIF, and


    📚 Guide for Finding Textbooks - Extensive tutorial by /u/Amosqu.

    📚 How To find and download ebooks & textbooks - A guide to help people find ebooks & textbooks (updated September 10, 2017).

    📚 How to "rent" your textbooks for free from Amazon - "Going to college? Living off top


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